N1AV (x-N1RWY) on the air

Ham radio, hiking, coffee, and other tech talk.

The AM6154/6155 amplifier repository is back online!

It took several years, but I managed to find a very old archive of the AM6154/6155 amplifier conversion repository that I constructed waaaaaaay back in 1999-2002.

At that point I was deep into weak signal VHF/UHF and had three of these amps stacked in the old Belfast Maine FCC Listening station full height- ‘gun metal grey’ equipment cabinet that I had up in my shack.  (Man, I wish I had that rack out here now..) With all three amps running, I could heat the shack in the winter quite easily.   An AM6154 on 2 meters, and then two AM6155s, one on 222, the other on 432 MHz.  The 432 was lack luster with about 300W.  However, the 222MHz amp was a winner 450W all day long. That was my strongest band by far due to the lack of localized noise and a good antenna / feedline / transverter.

Regardless, I was able to find the information and history of these amps that I had posted nearly 15 years ago, and uploaded it here.  The HTML code for the site is circa 2001 and terrible, as well as the very tiny pictures, which where HUGE back in the day, but it was the sha-nizzle back then.  I will be working to bring it up to speed.

Anyway, the information is back online.  Funny thing about ham radio, you go down a path, get bored, sell all the stuff.. then 16 years later decide to head down the same one again, however, this time learning from the mistakes of the past.. At least I think I will…  😉

It is timely that I found this information as I have a unmodified AM6154 arriving soon from Florida.  Like the SB-200 amp posts, I will be documenting the build as I get the amp ready for weak signal use.
I am getting that hankering to get back on low power EME and some meteorscatter / JT65 work again!

The link the the history as well as modifications to get these awesome amps up and running on 144/222 and 432MHz!


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  1. Ronald Lawson December 17, 2024

    Nice site! I’m just coming back to these amps from the late ’80s. I’ve just been gifted a set a couple of weeks ago – two -6155s on 220 and 432 and a -6154 modified for two meters. My original set went who-knows where when I went QRT about 30 years ago. You can see them off to the right in the photo on my QRZ page.
    Note there is a folder of FAA amp info on the Packrats site, W3CCX.com. Can’t wait to get these back up & running again.

  2. Don N8ECH July 8, 2023

    I ‘m a late arrival to this party! Been a ham over 40 years, and trying 222 SSB for the 2nd time. I have one of these amps. Hope to get it up and running for 222.

    Thanks a BUNCH for reposting this info.

  3. Mike Abbott February 5, 2018

    I can’t thank you enough!

    I’ve got a candidate for use on 222. Just need a front panel meter (of all things…). Meter movement is dead as a hammer! Metering circuitry is fine.

    Thanks for the info!

  4. Robin Midgett May 15, 2017

    Wow!! Thank you! I thought we’d never see this info again. Thank you!

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