I really enjoy introducing hams to new aspects of ham radio, especially aspects of the radio that I am passionate about. There are so many facets to the hobby, you can spend a lifetime learning new things. Over the past year, several members of the Queen Creek ARC have acquired the Yaesu FT-991, and are starting to interface with the built in sound card for the digital modes. The FT-991 is a slick rig, 1.8 – 450 MHz – all modes (with C4FM + Wires) with a built in sound card.
Having recently picked on up myself, I made an earlier post about the FT-991 and using it with JT65. Dave, AC7FF, was interested in what I had done and JT65, so the other day we spent a hour on the phone walking him through installing the proper SCU-17 Virtual COM port drivers to allow the 991 to communicate with his Windows 10 laptop, as well as downloading, installing and configuring all the software (as well as the laptop) to interface with each other.
N3FJP AClog (to allow for logging to his master log)
WSJT-X (V.1.6)
JTAlert (to take the log entry in WSJT-X and send it to ACLog to be logged there)
After about 15 minutes of setting the FT-991 menus up to what I have in my blog post, we went through the configuration of the WSJT software, and got him up to speed on how the software works, how much power to run, and the VERY important ALC monitoring.
A few minutes later we had our first JT65 qso, and he was off and running! Super proud to introduce someone to JT65, and at the same time, for him to have used my post as a guide to getting up and running… and it worked! (Hey! I did something right there!)
Learning new things – one of the best parts of this hobby!
73 all – de N1RWY
Arnold Lausevich July 13, 2017
Any idea on how to run the Navigator sound card for JT65.
Having a difficult time understanding the basic hookup. I do not know how to configure the AFSK as its FSK now for RTTY op.
n1rwy July 13, 2017 — Post Author
Greetings Arnold.
I have never used one – so I am no help.. but..
Try these links- they might help.